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 Welcome no French reading people !

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Admin Lee-Loo
Admin Lee-Loo

Female Nombre de messages : 6997
Localisation : Pyrénées
Date d'inscription : 2007-01-06
Age : 59
Emploi : Fondateur/presidente Lonely Street site/forum/fanClub

Welcome no French reading people ! Empty
PostSubject: Welcome no French reading people !   Welcome no French reading people ! Icon_minitime29.08.08 16:17

Welcome no French reading people !

A section in this forum has been created to post your messages, questions or talk with others. But it is necessary to register to access to the whole forum.

To register, you have to click on 'enregistrer' on the top banner with different links to click. It takes you to a page where you have to click on the link 'J'accepte le reglement'.
Then you fill the cases with Username (nom d'utilisateur), email address, password (mot de passe), sex (masculin is Male/feminin is Female), birthdate (date de naissance): Day-Month-Year. To finish with, you click on 'Enregistrer' (register) or you click on 'Réinitialiser' (Reset).

After you click on 'Enregistrer' you will receive a confirmation email that you will have to click on the second link in it to activate your account. (1st link is the link to the forum then comes your informations with username and password, then the link to comfirm your account).
Then you can go in 'profil', click on 'preferences' and you can choose the English language for your profile informations.

Hope to see you in the Forum !
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Welcome no French reading people !
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