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3 posters
Membre Fan Club

Male Nombre de messages : 740
Localisation : saint maur des fossés
Date d'inscription : 2007-03-21
Age : 50
Emploi : commerçant, créateur du premier nativemag français,conteur indien

PostSubject: JUMPS, GIGGLES AND SHOUTS   JUMPS, GIGGLES AND SHOUTS Icon_minitime28.03.08 0:29

(Gene VINCENT/Sheriff Tex DAVIS)

Oh, I got a gal and her name is Jane
All the kids call her "couldn't tame"
Always boppin' 'round the town
Every bit all of her pound

She jumps giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts

Jump, Cliff, jump, jump)
Guitar break

Oh, I got a girl and her name is Lizzy
Ah-man that woman sure is dizzy
Boppin' to the juke machine
Craziest cat you ever seen

She jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts

(Jump, Jack, jump, jump)
Bass break

She jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts

Jump, Dickie, jump, jump!
Drums break

Oh, I got a girl and her name is Lizzy
Ah-man that woman sure is dizzy
Boppin' to the juke machine
Craziest cat you ever seen

She jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts

Jump, Cliff, jump, jump
Guitar break

She jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts, go!
Jumps, giggles and shouts

(Go, go, go, go-o-o-o)
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Membre Fan Club

Male Nombre de messages : 618
Localisation : bessenay 69
Date d'inscription : 2007-06-17
Age : 62
Emploi : exchanteur contrebassiste

PostSubject: Re: JUMPS, GIGGLES AND SHOUTS   JUMPS, GIGGLES AND SHOUTS Icon_minitime30.01.09 16:46

Découvrez Gene Vincent!